Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The "Cold" Blooded City Of Memphis

The temperatures have not reached no more than 35-40 degrees in the city of Memphis over the last few days. There have been ample warnings about potential snow storms and freeze warnings thrown from the meteorologists of the various news outlets not only in the city of Memphis, but nationally. Tonight the city of Memphis is on the eve of what has the potential to become an extremely, bitterly cold snow storm that is supposed to blanket the city tonight and remain for the next couple of days with temperatures dipping down to the single digits by this weekend. This week alone has produced 3 deaths that according to police reports have been weather related (Hypothermia). I'm guessing these weather related deaths have led the city to take drastic measures, which in this case means putting up "TENTS" that will help shelter the homeless from these frigid temperatures that the city of Memphis and surrounding areas isexperiencing. This is a plan that while has good intentions behind it, is an ultimate fail for the city in addressing the needs of the homeless during this most needed time for shelter. I propose that the city of Memphis opens the dormant venues, The Mid South Coliseum and The Pyramid as temporary Shelter for the homeless during this dire time. This step of resolution would offer the city a chance to help the homeless tremendously while getting a positive use out of both buildings. This is something that does not have to become a permanent effort, but could definitely become a temporary BENEFICIAL UPLIFTING for the City of Memphis. There has been so much negativity in this city this venture would allow for a positive opportunity for the city to come together and be of aid to the less fortunate. Lets take a look at would could possibly happen if we do not use accessible means to help the homeless. You have many individuals that commit crimes to go to jail and receive a place to sleep, take warm showers, and eat. This is costing tax payers of the city millions of dollars annually. In many cases, homeless people do not have anything to lose by going to jail, but they can gain more than they had by committing a minor offense and going to jail. For one they know that they will be out of this horrid cold weather. This approach may be beneficial to the homeless but once again it is costing the tax payers. If the tax payers are going to go in debt, let the tax payers at least go in debt with tax dollars being paid on these two venues (The Pyramid and The Mid SouthColiseum) being used to (A) aid the homeless and ( B) potentially minimize pre-meditated crime from homeless people trying to obtain shelter.

The "Cold" Blooded City Of Memphis

The temperatures have not reached no more than 35-40 degrees in the city of Memphis over the last few days. There have been ample warnings about potential snow storms and freeze warnings thrown from the meteorologists of the various news outlets not only in the city of Memphis, but nationally. Tonight the city of Memphis is on the eve of what has the potential to become an extremely, bitterly cold snow storm that is supposed to blanket the city tonight and remain for the next couple of days with temperatures dipping down to the single digits by this weekend. This week alone has produced 3 deaths that according to police reports have been weather related (Hypothermia). I'm guessing these weather related deaths have led the city to take drastic measures, which in this case means putting up "TENTS" that will help shelter the homeless from these frigid temperatures that the city of Memphis and surrounding areas is experiencing. This is a plan that while has good intentions behind it, is an ultimate fail for the city in addressing the needs of the homeless during this most needed time for shelter. I propose that the city of Memphis opens the dormant venues, The Mid South Coliseum and The Pyramid as temporary Shelter for the homeless during this dire time. This step of resolution would offer the city a chance to help the homeless tremendously while getting a positive use out of both buildings. This is something that does not have to become a permanent effort, but could definitely become a temporary BENEFICIAL UPLIFTING for the City of Memphis. There has been so much negativity in this city this venture would allow for a positive opportunity for the city to come together and be of aid to the less fortunate. Lets take a look at would could possibly happen if we do not use accessible means to help the homeless. You have many individuals that commit crimes to go to jail and receive a place to sleep, take warm showers, and eat. This is costing tax payers of the city millions of dollars annually. In many cases, homeless people do not have anything to lose by going to jail, but they can gain more than they had by committing a minor offense and going to jail. For one they know that they will be out of this horrid cold weather. This approach may be beneficial to the homeless but once again it is costing the tax payers. If the tax payers are going to go in debt, let the tax payers at least go in debt with tax dollars being paid on these two venues (The Pyramid and The Mid South Coliseum) being used to (A) aid the homeless and ( B) potentially minimize pre-meditated crime from homeless people trying to obtain shelter.